Telia Lietuva Reports Positive Growth in 2023, Emphasizes Technology Leadership and Social Responsibility

 Hey there, folks! I've got some news from Telia Lietuva – and it's a mix of numbers, achievements, and a dash of social responsibility. So, buckle up!

First things first, the Board of Telia Lietuva recently gave the nod to their unaudited Interim Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2023. And here's the scoop on how they did in the last quarter of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022:

  • Revenue shot up by 5.9% to hit EUR 123.3 million (compared to EUR 116.4 million).
  • Adjusted EBITDA, which is a fancy term for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, increased by 7.8% to reach EUR 39.3 million (compared to EUR 36.5 million).
  • EBITDA, in simpler terms, grew by 5.6% and hit EUR 38.3 million (compared to EUR 36.3 million).
  • But, there's a bit of a downer – profit for the period took a 9.7% dip, landing at EUR 13.3 million (compared to EUR 14.7 million).
  • On the bright side, free cash flow turned things around, hitting EUR 16.4 million (compared to a not-so-great EUR -5.4 million).

Now, looking at the whole year of 2023 compared to 2022:

  • Revenue growth was even more impressive, climbing by 7.2% to EUR 476.6 million (compared to EUR 444.6 million).
  • Adjusted EBITDA had a substantial 13.7% boost, reaching EUR 168.5 million (compared to EUR 148.1 million).
  • EBITDA increased by 12% to EUR 165.2 million (compared to EUR 147.5 million).
  • Profit for the year had a nice 12.8% uptick, hitting EUR 63.6 million (compared to EUR 56.4 million).
  • And the real star? Free cash flow soared by 67.5% to EUR 58 million (compared to EUR 34.6 million).

Giedrė Kaminskaitė-Salters, the big boss at Telia Lietuva, had some words to share. She mentioned that in 2023, Telia Lietuva kept rocking the tech world, gaining 39 thousand new mobile communication subscribers. With the largest 5G network in the country, they became top dogs in mobile data consumption.

The growth engines weren't just in tech – IT and broadband Internet services, along with higher equipment sales, played their part. TV services also bounced back, gaining 4 thousand users after the shake-up in 2022.

Even with inflation breathing down their neck, Telia Lietuva managed their expenses well, keeping operating costs under control. The cherry on top? They were recognized for the fourth year in a row for having the best customer care among Lithuanian and Baltic States’ telecom operators.

Giedrė also shared some heartwarming stuff about their Christmas campaign and their goal in 2024 to support Ukrainian brothers and sisters. They'll be providing reduced tariffs for calls to and from Ukraine, supporting those volunteering as emergency and humanitarian workers.

So, that's the Telia Lietuva scoop – tech leaders, socially responsible, and making the numbers dance in their favor. Cheers to that!

limestone networks

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